Portraits, Portraits, Portraits

Am I obsessed? Probably. But I'm having fun, and that's important.

More selfies, yes!
Film themed, most of these. Can you recognize the movies?

Nope, the one in the middle below is not Wolf Man themed - it was a selfie I did of myself making a face, but I messed it up... ah well.

Oh and the one below on the bottom right is not Film Themed either. That's just what I look like right after waking up: wrinkled up.

Wether I'm obsessed with making selfies or with filling journal pages... it doesn't really matter. I can share some tips on how to start a daily drawing habit, and how to keep it. This Monday my online workshop Awesome Art Journaling starts. It runs for 4 weeks and costs $69.
Click here to get more info and to join me.

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